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Dr. Tom Renfro, MD

Pictured: Tom & Sid Renfro
If you came here on purpose and already know a little about Dr. Tom Renfro's miracle of healing and the staggering details of his battle with cancer then you can click below and proceed.
If you aren't familiar, then you should be advised that the pictures, video, and other story elements of the site are not for the faint-of-heart. Please stay a while and browse.

God hears our prayers. The power of prayer is what activates God. It’s what He’s waiting to hear, for us to cry out to Him, to cry out not only for our needs, but to cry out in worship and thanksgiving, to tell God that He is God and that we trust and love Him.
Dr. Tom Renfro, MD

Have you seen Dr.Renfro's new web series, "Biblical Foundational Truth?"

Tom and his wife, Sid Renfro, host the faith-based television series, Walking in the Kingdom.
Airs: Every Thursday, 9PM EST
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